Adult Formation


Adult Forum

September through June. All are invited to join us each Sunday in the Lounge from 9:05-9:50 a.m. for presentations and discussions of a wide variety of topics ranging from Bible Study and Church history to poverty and inter-faith conversations. 

Bible Study and Discussion on Zoom

September through June. These informal sessions take place on Wednesdays at noon and conclude no later than 1:00 p.m. Participation is open to all with a series of topics, looking at the Biblical stories through fresh eyes. Discussion takes place on Zoom. You are welcome to join us to learn more about the Christian faith in a relaxed and friendly setting.

Lenten Supper Programs

These special programs focus on deepening our understanding of the Lenten season. Presentations often feature guest speakers sharing meaningful journeys of faith made by contemporary and historical figures. Lenten Suppers are held on Thursday nights at 6:00 p.m. with programs beginning at 6:30 p.m. Guests and visitors are cordially invited to join us for these popular evening programs.


There are a number of opportunities for fellowship at St. James. Members of our parish family, guests and visitors are invited to be a part of any group or activity that may interest them. Please contact the church office at 248-644-0820 or A staff member will be happy to put you in touch with a guild or activity contact.

All Saints Guild

All Saints Guild welcomes all women of St. James, including visitors.
We meet most months at 1:00 p.m. in the Lounge for worship, fellowship and fun from September through June. Meetings feature a variety of speakers, book discussions and social get-togethers with spouses and guests. Please watch The Light for specific dates.

Each year we select a few organizations, causes or church activities to support. We fund these projects with two bake sales, always generously supported by St. James parishioners.

Coffee Hour

Each Sunday, Fr. Josh invites those in the congregation to gather together in Centennial Hall for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. This is an opportunity to visit with each other and also to welcome visitors. The “goodies” we enjoy following both the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services are provided by volunteers.

The Vestry and parish committees each participate by providing one or more of the coffee hours throughout the year. Families, individuals, and groups also volunteer. All those attending the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services are invited to participate in providing a coffee hour.

This is an easy-to-do opportunity to serve and work together for St. James. A sign-up sheet is available in Centennial Hall and online.

Saturday Knitters

This fellowship opportunity is for people who love to knit, from beginners to expert. Members work on their own projects as well as group service projects. Knitters meet on Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Informal instruction is offered to interested participants.

St. James Book Group

For the past three years a small group has gathered monthly to discuss a selected book. Unlike other book clubs where one has to read a book a month, we focus on one title through the year, finding that it allows for more spirited and spiritual conversation and does not require a great reading burden for our members. We meet on the third Sunday of every month after coffee hour until around 1:00 p.m.