Youth & Young Adult


Our nursery is available for children aged 4 years and younger, each Sunday from 9:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. While with us, our trained adult staff will make sure your child is comforted and cared for. As our church houses the St. James Preschool program during the week, there is an abundance of age-appropriate toys, puzzles and books. The nursery room contains a sink and changing table as well as rocking chairs.

Families are encouraged, but not required, to pick up their child(ren) around 10:45 a.m. to celebrate Holy Eucharist as a family.


Ages 4 through grade 5

We believe that it is never too early to learn about and embrace our faith. We use the Godly Play curriculum, a lectionary-based and hands-on resource that nurtures faith through liturgy, ritual, and imagination, and encourages Christian growth through worshipping, learning and serving together.

Godly Play classes are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month, during the 10:00 a.m. worship service. After a welcome in church, children are escorted from the church to the Godly Play classroom. Before communion, the children are escorted back to the sanctuary to be reunited with their families for the remainder of the service.

Godly Play lessons are led by dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. For further information, contact Fr. Josh at 248-644-0820 or


Learning certainly doesn’t stop with our Godly Play curriculum. Our middle school and senior high youth come together regularly for fellowship and outreach opportunities to allow our youth to understand their faith on a deeper level as they learn by doing. Check out our Facebook page for scheduled activities and gatherings or contact for a schedule of events.


As youth transition to adulthood, they have the opportunity to participate in a pilgrimage — a journey with a purpose, to experience their faith in the real world, alongside their mentors and friends. In the past, our you have traveled to New York, Quebec, South Dakota and beyond.