Worship at St. James is a communal event. Everyone participates in the service, through prayers, hymns and communion. A Sunday leaflet and the Book of Common Prayer serve as guides to follow along with the liturgy.
While we have a number of kinds of services throughout the year, the basis of our worship life is the communal celebration of the Holy Eucharist each week. This liturgy follows an order of worship that includes gathering, reading and meditating on scripture, proclaiming our faith, praying for the church and world, and offering our gifts to God. The service concludes with the taking, blessing, breaking and sharing the bread and wine. We are then ready to be sent out into the world to serve our communities as faithful Christians.
To learn more about the prayer book, our worship, or how you can participate in any of the ministries listed below, please contact our priest, Josh Hoover or the church office (248-644-0820).
Acolytes are youth and adults who serve at the altar during worship. They light the candles, lead processions carrying the cross and torches, help prepare the Table (altar) for Holy Communion and assist the priest during the service. There is no age restriction on being an acolyte! Both youth and adults can engage in this traditional act of service.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of parishioners who work to prepare the church for not only our weekly services, but for all special services throughout the year. Activities they are responsible include the ordering of floral arrangements and the care of the linens, frontals, silver and other altar appointments. The Altar Guild serves under the direction of the Rector.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers participate in the service by reading lessons, the Prayers of the People and assisting the Rector in serving Communion. Parishioners serving as Eucharistic Ministers receive training to prepare them for this commitment.
Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharist visitors are trained ministers who bring the Eucharist to the homes of parishioners unable to attend church. To request a visit for you or a family member, call the church office at 248-644-0820.
Readers are those who present Holy Scripture to others in our worship.
Music and Choir
Music plays an important role in the life of St. James. Please see our Music page for more information on this important part of our worship.
Ushers and Greeters
On Sundays, ushers greet people as they enter church, direct visitors and distribute the weekly worship programs. They assist with the Offertory and present the bread and wine to be blessed. During the Sacrament, they direct the congregants to the altar for Communion and assist communicants with special needs.