Memorial Donations & Sponsorship Gifts
A Memorial Donation to St. James is often the way friends and relatives choose to express sympathy for the loss of a special person. You may make a memorial donation in honor of any individual, and we will send a note both to the family and to you acknowledging your gift.
You can also make a Celebration Gift to commemorate those milestone occasions and events through a special donation. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, retirement, graduation, a get-well wish or simply to honor a family member or friend who has overcome a challenge – it’s always a good time to honor those we love and show that we care. Acknowledgements will be sent both to the honoree and to the giver.
Worship Sponsorships help to support our worship services by underwriting flowers, the sanctuary candle which burns all week, or the live stream of our worship services. You may honor a person or event, or offer this as your own thanksgiving. Your designated honoree will be listed in the bulletin.
The cost is: Sanctuary Lamp is $50.
Altar flowers is $75.
Livestreaming is $100.
Or ALL THREE for $200.
For donation for a specific Sunday, please check the SignUpGenius:
If paying by check, please make your donation to St. James Episcopal Church with your donation intentions in the memo line. You may make your donation online here.
We thank you for this support that keeps our worship beautiful, meaningful, and accessible.
For additional information about special gifts, please contact or call 248-644-0820.