Giving . . . and receiving
Our offerings are what we give back from what God gives us — the wheat and the grapes that, through our labor, are turned into bread and wine. The use of our unique talents to support our worship, to love and care for the Body of Christ at St. James, and to reach out to the larger world in which we live our daily lives. The time that we spend not only in doing, but in being — living into our birthright as God’s own, in prayer and in community.
What we know is both simple and profound : whatever we give to God comes back to us. Our giving unleashes joy even as it harnesses generosity. God blesses our gifts and returns them to us as we strive to embody the Beloved Community, reach out to those in need of care, and see lives changed by God’s spirit.
We invite you to join us as we grow together on a spiritual journey, in the delight and discovery of discipleship and in our call to share Christ’s love with the world.
To St. James Church
If your gift is a memorial, please type the name of the person into the memo line.
Thank you for your gift!
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You can choose either ACH from a bank account or use your credit card — whatever is best for you!