A Warm Welcome to St. James Church

Our mission is to:

Invite you to the table
Illuminate our spiritual journey
Share Christ's love with the world

We are a vibrant community seeking how best to love and serve God in our lives. 

We are a multitude of ages, backgrounds, and opinions, yet we gather to worship and explore our spiritual journey together. 

We invite you to join us around both the communion table and the fellowship table so we can share together our deepest questions and learn from one another. Whether you are looking for a church home, exploring what it means to be church, or simply visiting, we welcome you and look forward to knowing you better.

Learn about the St. James 2020 Capital Campaign

Virtual Worship

While we are not able to worship together in person during this time, we are not alone, and we are using technology to assist us in navigating our common journey. Please see our Virtual Worship page for more information. Want to help? Check out our Community Outreach page!

We welcome you sharing your prayer requests and concerns with us. Let us know at prayer@stjamesbirmingham.orgFr. Josh and Pastor Chris check that email on a regular basis.