By Daniel Righter
Friday, June 24
After waking up slightly later than the previous day, we, as a group, proceeded to eat as much as possible, gather as much effort as we could and cram into the pilgrimage bus that we call "She who will not be parked" due to it's immense size. The ride to the heart of New York City was filled with songs from the 80s along with confusion on where to park the bus and before we knew it, our destination was right in front of us. Following our arrival, we went to St Paul's Trinity, a well known landmark which housed victims of 9-11 as well as countless men and women who volunteered to help rebuild the fallen towers and the lives of the broken victims. Inside, one of us placed a Flat Jesus on the Pilgrimage altar for all visitors to admire. Lunch came shortly afterward at a local deli which was eaten in the blazing sun. After putting on gallons of sunscreen, we visited the 9-11 memorial. Our visit to the memorial was filled with prayers and stories about all of the brave men and women who tragically died on that day as well as the legacy of the twin towers even if the towers themselves may be gone, their history will live on forever. Afterwards, we walked over to Trinity church for evening prayer and had dinner from multiple food carts on the street. The awesome subway ride back to the bus wrapped up the day very well and overall, the day couldn't have been better.
Lighting candles at Trinity Church